Sabato 09 Ottobre 2021 ore 14:00
Pre-Cop26 Roma - Session 3: Funding global policies for climate
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• Mr. Lindsay HOYLE, Speaker of the British House of Commons
Keynote speaker
• Ms. Laurence MAILLART-MÉHAIGNERIE, Chair of the Committee on Sustainable Development and Land Management of the French National Assembly
• Ms. Vera SONGWE, United Nations Under-Secretary-General Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa of the United Nations
• Mr. Lindsay HOYLE, Speaker of the British House of Commons
Keynote speaker
• Ms. Laurence MAILLART-MÉHAIGNERIE, Chair of the Committee on Sustainable Development and Land Management of the French National Assembly
• Ms. Vera SONGWE, United Nations Under-Secretary-General Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa of the United Nations